New Year, New Website: Signs Your Site Needs A Re-design in 2016


Another year is coming to a close, and having a good company website is more important than ever. Today more than 80% of B2B customers search the web before making a purchase decision, and 75% of users admit to making judgments about a company’s credibility based on their website’s design. If you are wondering if your website is up to par for 2016, here are some factors you should consider.

Bounce Rate

It generally takes a visitor .05 seconds to make an initial impression of your website. A bounce rate refers the percentage of visitors that come to your website and leave after viewing only one page. This percentage can be viewed by looking at your website analytics. If your bounce rate is above 50%, you need to think about making changes. Some issues that can create a high bounce rate is slow load times, poor designs, or irrelevant copy. By improving these issues, you can keep visitors on your site longer, and more engaged in your messaging.

User Experience

Ideally, a user should be able to find the information they are looking for in two clicks when visiting a website. When considering your current navigation and homepage, are there strong call to actions and a user friendly navigation? A large portion of your audience will be viewing from mobile devices, so this should be taken into consideration as well. Does your design work for mobile? Can you easily navigate the site on a small screen? Many homepages are becoming longer, and are containing more information, for users scrolling on a mobile device. If your website is not mobile friendly, you could be losing potential prospects.


Internet research has become second nature for anyone looking for new products or services. This has made the quality of website content crucial to acquiring new prospects. Viewers are looking for information that is to the point, and easy to digest. Heavy, or overly-technical content will overwhelm the viewer, and can lead to a higher bounce rate. Review your current content to ensure it has strong call to actions, and succinct messaging that clearly states your value proposition. If you feel like your copy is stale, a copywriter can help give a fresh voice to your brand.

Once you have identified the issues that need to be improved on your website, you can start taking action. At EmoryDay, we understand that your website is often the face of your brand, and work to create modern designs, with engaging content. Contact us today to see how we can help advance your marketing by improving your website.

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