Should My Business Be Using Pinterest?

The short answer to this question is that Pinterest is not going to be a helpful resource for every business. What may surprise many small business owners, though, is that Pinterest can be a helpful resource for any business.
While these two statements may sound like a contradiction, in practice both hold true individually:
Pinterest is not going to be a helpful resource for every business.
Many businesses will find that the amount of time that would be required to use Pinterest effectively as a platform for marketing their business, generating new valuable leads, or engaging their existing customer base is not going to provide sufficient return to justify their efforts.
Pinterest can be a helpful resource for any business.
Pinterest can be used effectively for any business who wants to use it, as a way to self-promote, to engage with their customer base online or, ideally, to do a combination of both.
While some businesses naturally lend themselves perfectly to the Pinterest platform – think restaurants, landscapers, yoga instructors, etc. – some industries will require a bit of creative thinking in order to create Pins that effectively promote feature products, services, or other content on Pinterest. However, Pinterest can be a useful platform for businesses that may not typically be thought of as “Pinterest-worthy.”
Using Pinterest as a Small Business
There are a number of ways a small to mid-size business can use Pinterest as an effective part of a comprehensive social media strategy.
All social media platforms are designed to connect the user with content they want to see. As with any other online content you publish, your business’ Pinterest content should be, above all else, relevant and interesting to your intended audience. When it comes to your business page, Pins you create and those you chose to re-share should be:
– Attractive. Pins should be attention grabbing, creative and unique without being pushy or sales-y.
– Engaging. In the world of social media, connection is the end goal. Use hashtags when possible and always use alt tags on images. Link Pins to your existing relevant, applicable content that introduces clickers to your sales funnel and share Pins of others in your industry or industry partners that are applicable to your business.
– Clear. Let Pinners know where your Pins link to before they click. If you’re pinning a blog post, add the title to the image. Consider adding your business’ logo to the corner of your Pins
– Organized. On Pinterest, it’s important that you use boards to smartly organize pins. Design your business’ Pinterest boards to be aesthetically pleasing. All profile information should be accurate and current, making it easy for your audience to find you.
Pinterest Tools for Small Businesses
Pinterest has a few options designed specifically for businesses. Primarily, Pinterest rolled out “Promoted Pins” as an answer to the advertising options on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and other platforms. Initially designed for larger businesses, Promoted Pins is now available for small businesses to promote their pins and increase click-throughs, improve reach and ideally drive more traffic to their sites.
Pinterest also offers businesses free analytics to help your business track which of your Pins people are responding to. Use these tools to learn what Pins people like, what they save from your website and better understand what your customers really want.
Start Using Pinterest Effectively | Social Media Marketing at EmoryDay
A successful online content marketing strategy requires consistent cultivation and sharing of relevant content. Need help marketing your small business on Pinterest and other social media platforms online? Contact the online marketing professionals at EmoryDay and learn how Pinterest can help your business.
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