Google +
Google + is a social network, created by Google, that is very similar to Facebook. While similar, it has features that make it different. Within Google + is an application known as Google Circles. This is a handy application that allows users to form groups that share information only among members of that group.
The “Hangouts” application lets members of a group video chat with more than one person at a time. Everyone in the chat room can be seen on the screen. Numerous users can participate in the call, but only if they are in the circle of friends. Google + allows you to keep relationships separate.
“Sparks” makes it easy for users to find useful and interesting information within the Google + platform. Search for any topic of interest and a recent list of articles will be presented. It is also very easy to share content with others.
Can Google + Help Small Businesses?
It sure can! With Google +, customers in your circle can get the information they need at the right time. Customers can get driving directions to your location, store hours, phone numbers or information about your products or services.
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