How to Make Your Website Visible To Search Engines

Making your website optimized for search engines can help drive traffic and bring new prospects to you site. The first step in creating a search engine optimization strategy is ensuring your website is visible to search engines. Here are three easy ways to enable search engines to find your website:
1. Check Your Privacy Settings
The first step in making your site visible is ensuring you have the correct privacy settings in the back end of your website. Where you privacy settings are located, will depend on the content management system you are using. Also, in terms of privacy, make sure you have a robots.txt file. This file tells search engines what pages they can crawl and what parts of your site you want them to index. If your robots.txt file says “disallow” for a certain file or directory, then the search engine spider will ignore that page and it will not be shown in search engines.
2. Register Your Site with Webmaster Tools
By submitting your website to search engines through Webmaster tools, you are telling the search engines that your site is ready to appear in search results. This will increase how frequently your site is being crawled and help improve your site ranking. You can submit your website here: Google Bing
3. Create a Sitemap
A sitemap allows search engine spiders crawl all the pages of your website without having to travel to them link via embedded links on the page. Your sitemap should include links to the all of the pages of your website, and should tell the spider what the page is about. Google has a free tool to help create a sitemap if you do not have one. You can learn about creating sitemaps here. There are many other ways to optimize your website for search engines. At Emoryday we have the tools to help increase your online presence and brand awareness. We are experienced in helping find your target audience, and creating new leads. Contact us today to see how we can help.
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