Press Releases
As our world of communication has changed, there are now many different ways to utilize press releases for a campaign. From the traditional press release that is disseminated via newswires to the SEO release that is crafted specifically to work in concert with search engines, today’s marketers have a variety of options for getting product information out. EmoryDay understands the subtle differences between the traditional and non-traditional PR methods and works to deliver just the right combination for your product.
Media Placement
Once the wheel of publicity has started to turn with press releases and the dissemination of information, EmoryDay sets into motion the process of getting your product into the hands of those individuals who will write and blog about your product. In the scheme of the overall marketing plan, this is the effort that often generates some of the most successful brand-building. When unbiased third parties such as bloggers and members of the press write about or mention your product, it produces results that carry throughout the entire marketing campaign – traffic to your site increases, sales go up and your brand awareness goes through the roof. These are the sustainable results that EmoryDay can deliver to you.
General Publicity and Public Relations
Once your product begins its journey through the EmoryDay marketing machine, a steady PR campaign is an integral part of our approach. An effective public relations campaign can often generate more results and more awareness than traditional paid advertising campaigns. We understand that many products and companies do not have unlimited marketing budgets, and this is just one of the ways EmoryDay works to maximize your exposure while minimizing your out-of-pocket expenses.
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