Components of a Successful Website

Successful Website

While business websites vary based on several factors, like industry, B2B vs B2C, product and/or service type, etc., they all have one thing in common. They are typically the first thing a potential customer sees and the way they are introduced to your business. 

A company’s website must make a great first impression, stand out among competitors, and offer a terrific user experience.

In order for your site to work for your business, it must have the following successful website elements. 

Successful Website Elements 

1. Intuitive Navigation

How many times have you been on a website and had no idea where to find the information you needed? 

This is not only frustrating to site visitors, but when a business website doesn’t offer intuitive navigation, these potential leads will keep searching the internet for a company that does. 

Intuitive navigation means that your website is designed with the user in mind. Some examples of intuitive navigation include:

  • Organized menus 
  • Clearly labeled sections 
  • Things, like products and services, broken up into clear and proper categories
  • An easy-to-find sitemap
  • Breadcrumbs

Additionally, the website-builder platform, Wix, suggests using a “combination of methods to help visitors find their way around, including structured menus, keyword searches, and internal linking.”

2. Clear Messaging

A company’s website must have clear messaging. Visitors must be able to understand what exactly a business does, offers, and/or sells within seconds. They must also be able to clearly understand how their products can benefit them. 

3. Fast Load Times

If your website takes too long to load, your leads will head over to your competitors’ sites. According to Cloudflare, “sites that load quickly will typically receive more traffic and have better conversion rates.” 

4. Responsive Design

Responsive design allows users to use a website on any of their devices. A responsive design not only helps turn site visitor leads into customers, but it can help boost a site’s search engine rankings because Google loves responsive websites.

We talk extensively about responsive design in our post “How Responsive Design Can Benefit Your Business.” Check it out to learn more!

5. Visually Appealing Layouts

If you want people to take your business seriously, your website must look nice. Things like colors that match your brand and pair nicely with your logo, easy-to-read fonts, strategically placed white space, and high-quality images will attract visitors to your site. 

6. Clear Calls to Action (CTAs)

Calls to action, also known as CTAs prompt site visitors to take action, like filling out a contact form, signing up for a blog or newsletter, scheduling a demo, etc. 

According to Hubspot, CTAs need to be action-oriented and brief (think 5 words or less.).

7. Forms

Speaking of forms, every business website must have forms. Ideally, you want a form on every single page. Forms help you get the contact information of your website visitors. Mailchimp suggests that forms also help websites appear more “credible and professional.” 

8. SEO Optimization

Incorporating SEO best practices, like SEO keywords, meta descriptions, alt tags for images, internal links, etc., can help improve a website’s search engine rankings and help get more traffic to your company’s website.

9. Social Media Links 

Incorporating your social media links on your business’s website is a great way to further promote your company and can help improve your bottom line. Visitors can share your content with their own networks, which can help you get more leads. Plus, Mailchimp explains that when people share your company’s social media links, it “can help with promoting your website’s URL to popular search engines, like Google, Yahoo!, and Bing,” which will also help with your site’s SEO. 

And, according to Clutch, “stores with “some sort of social media presence make 32% more sales than those without.” 

EmoryDay Can Help You Incorporate These Successful Website Elements!

Companies that incorporate the components of a successful website are more likely to turn their site visitors into customers. If you need help incorporating these successful website elements into your business’s site, EmoryDay can help! 

Our website redesign services include setting up your site so it has all of the components of a successful website and so much more! Check out our post EmoryDay’s Website Redesign Services to learn about all the great things our team can do with your website.  

Get your Free Account Today! If you have any questions about our website redesign services, just fill out our contact form or give us a call at (866) 407-2075.

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