Yahoo! Site Explorer

Yahoo! Site Explorer is an excellent business tool that has recently been merged with Bing’s Webmaster Tools to provide added efficiency. The goal of the site explorer is to increase the traffic flow to a business website. Many small and unknown businesses have trouble increasing the flow of their desired clientele to their websites, and they lack the funds to buy expensive website advertisements. Yahoo! Site Explorer solves this problem by redirecting traffic to a business website.


Additional Benefits Of Using Yahoo! Site Explorer

Yahoo! Site explorer will tell a business where the hits are coming from; ie: what people were typing into the search engine. This is incredibly important for those businesses who want to know how to tailor advertisements and website keywords in order to generate even more traffic.Yahoo! Site Explorer also offers tools that can examine a site and offer critiques and ideas for changes to provide increased traffic flow, as well as advice on what pieces of a business website to expand. It’s one of the best tools on the internet for adding a large amount of traffic to a small business site.

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