WordPress is a web design platform that allows webmasters and laypeople alike to produce websites and blogs quickly. The platform can be installed to a domain along with a user interface that automates most of the creation process. It produces high quality web pages that use current Web 2.0 standards of usability and organization. It…
Joomla is a free, open-sourced, content management system that is designed to make creating and maintaining Web sites easy and inexpensive. Joomla provides the Web site owner with the power to alter text, photos, and other online content with minimal technological knowledge. Its ease of installation and use ensure that it remains one of the…
Web Design: How to Optimize your Web Presence
With an ever-growing and expanding technological world, web design optimization has become imperative. Businesses can’t thrive in today’s world without an online presence, and expert web design optimization will ensure that they have an edge over the competition. A well-designed website with just a few simple features is sure to increase traffic flow and bring…
Pay Per Click Advertising: Learning the Basics
Pay per click advertising is one of the most effective and affordable methods available. If you want to get marketing results, take advantage of PPC ads on major search engines. You pay only if people click on the ads. PPC advertising is a useful way that you find more customers for your business and earn…
Email Marketing
Email marketing is one of the best tools for improving your business and reaching more customers, for a simple reason. People respond better to personalization than they do to mass marketing advertisements; that’s why direct mail marketing works so well. By building an email list that users voluntarily sign up for, you are able to…
Promotional Email
Promotional email is, simply put, the most affordable way to market directly to interested prospects. The interaction rates are generally much higher than social media posts or traditional advertising. Other online marketing methods can be seen as ways to encourage buyers, but they should generally refer users to sign up with their email address as…
Newsletters are weekly, biweekly, or monthly publications that are sent out to the members of a business or website’s email list providing them with information about the company and what has been happening recently. They provide news of upcoming developments and special offers to the customers, hence their name. These letters are usually personalized, with…
Content Marketing: The Benefits vs. Traditional Marketing
Content marketing is an essential part of any online business. The world of technology is changing rapidly with everything from web-based mobile browsing to flashy effects and graphics. A tech-savvy business will utilize content marketing to bring hits and consumers to their business. It’s been proven repeatedly that content marketing is a cheap and effective…
Mobile Web Design
In today’s aggressive digital world, mobile web design is essential for online success. According to projections of the Cisco Visual Networking Index: Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast Update, 2012-2017, mobile data traffic was nearly 12 times the volume reached in 2000, mobile connection speeds doubled, and the use of smartphones grew 81 percent. What does…
Building An Online Business: Getting Started with E-Commerce
“You need to get your business online.” By now that’s old news, but if there’s any wisdom that has proven its worth in the past decade or so, it’s the truth of the idea that not only should a business promote itself by having an online presence, but business owners and managers should bring e-commerce…
Mobile Website Version
A mobile website version is a powerful tool when used appropriately. At its most basic, it is simply a mobile-accessible site. Most sites are built with landscape-oriented monitors in mind, so a website built with a different resolution and a vertical orientation can be much easier to access via smartphone. Taken to a more powerful…
Responsive Design
From Mobile browsers to tablets and netbooks, users are visiting websites from an amazing array of smart new devices. Does your website have the capability to capture business from these sources? If you are not thinking beyond the desktop, chances are you are losing a ton of business to the competition. Responsive design takes into…
Breaking Through The Noise: Creating an Effective E-Mail Marketing Message
According to Experian, every $1 spent on e-mail marketing returns an average of $44.25. It’s one of the most effective, measurable and scalable marketing channels available to your business. But not all e-mails are created equal.
Social Media
Marketing in the modern era has evolved into a system of agile communication, which is largely represented by social media. Sites like LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus provide platforms for sharing information with a vast audience. By leveraging these micro-blogging sites, it is possible to reap amazing returns on your investment. Use of these…
Facebook is the site that virtually coined the phrase “social network.” One of the web’s most popular destinations worldwide, it allows users to create networks of friends and contacts, share photos, videos, and links, and organize events.
A Tower Amidst a City: Why Digital Branding is Critical
Digital branding is an absolute must in today’s web driven world, especially as a small business. Every day flooded by advertisements and images at all turns, the consumer can be hard to reach and even harder to get to pay attention to something. Ultimately name recognition is the most powerful tool in the business-building arsenal…
Professional people who are looking for career growth and networking opportunities can benefit from registering on Linked In. Rather than offering social connections, Linked In is a site for career-minded individuals who want to post their credentials, experience, and skills for the purpose of forming business connections and establishing a professional network.
Twitter is one of the most successful social media platforms on the web, with millions of users from all walks of life. Twitter allows users to send messages to their feed of 140 characters or less, and takes advantage of a ‘hashtag’ (#) system that brands specific words. The most popular hashtags are considered to…
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